
We supply a range of both Dutch and Dwarf/Reticulata iris.

Showing all 14 results

  • Dutch Iris collection


    A Dutch iris collection of five different varieties, the flowers of are just stunning and they are ideal for growing in the garden and containers.

  • Iris Dutch Eye of the Tiger

    Iris Dutch Eye of the Tiger


    Fantastic variety that has deep purple standards and falls with a yellow blotch.

  • Iris Dutch Golden Beauty

    Iris Dutch Golden Beauty


    Golden petals make this a great grower and fantastic garden plant.

  • Iris Dutch Lion King


    Lion King has fantastic flowers of purplish and bronzy coloured with veined falls.

  • Iris Dutch Nofa White


    The flowers of Nofa White are a pure white with a distinct bright orange edged yellow mark on the falls.

  • Iris Dutch Red Ember

    Iris Dutch Red Ember


    The flowers of dutch iris Red Ember are a lovely reddish bronze with a bright yellow mark on the falls.

  • Iris Dutch Silvery Beauty

    Iris Dutch Silvery Beauty


    Silvery Beauty has blue standards with falls of pure white with an orange blotch.

  • Iris Dwarf/Reticulata Alida

    Iris Dwarf/Reticulata Alida


    The flowers of dwarf iris Alida are a light blue with deeper blue markings and a yellow blotch on the falls.

  • Iris Dwarf/Reticulata Blue Hill


    Dwarf Iris Blue Hill can be grown in most aspects and soil types including of course containers

  • Iris Dwarf/Reticulata Harmony

    Iris Dwarf/Reticulata Harmony


    A classic dwarf iris with royal blue falls with yellow blotches.

  • Iris Dwarf/Reticulata J S Dijt


    Dwarf Iris ideal for early spring colour and to grow in rockeries and containers

  • Iris Dwarf/Reticulata Katharine Hodgkin AGM

    Iris Dwarf/Reticulata Katharine Hodgkin AGM


    One of our best dwarf iris, large pale blue petals with yellow markings make Katharine Hodgkin a superb variety.

  • Iris Dwarf/Reticulata Polar Ice


    Use dwarf iris polar ice in containers, rockeries and borders for stunning early spring flowers.

  • Iris Dwarf/Reticulata Sheila Ann Germaney


    A wonderful iris with the same parentage as Katharine Hodgkin, it has delicate pale blue petals.