Showing all 33 results
Anemone blanda blue shades
£6.00 – £28.00A lovely mix of blue shades of anemone blanda which will make a fantastic show in the garden or when grown in containers.
Anemone blanda mixed
£6.00 – £36.00This is a superb mixture of colours of blanda varieties of blue shades, pink and white flowers. The mixture of colours of blanda varieties are just superb.
Camassia quamash
£6.00 – £36.00The flowers of camassia quamash are a bright violet-blue growing on stems that are 60cm tall.
Chionodoxa forbesii AGM
£6.00 – £28.00Its dwarf growing habitat is ideal for covering those areas under trees and shrubs that are bare.
Cornish Golden Daffodils
£20.00 – £36.00This mix of Cornish golden daffodils will have a minimum of 5 varieties which will bring colour to your garden from February to April.
Cornish Mixed Daffodils
£9.00 – £34.00A really superb mixture of daffodils containing a wide range of varieties of daffodils from Cornwall.
Crocus chrysanthus mixed 100 for only £9
£9.00Early flowering crocus for the spring garden a superb offer of 100 bulbs normally £15
Crocus chrysanthus tommasinianus AGM
£6.00 – £36.00This is one of the first crocus to flower in the spring. The flowers of crocus tommasianianus are an attractive cobalt-lavender.
Crocus chrysanthus tommasinianus Ruby Giant
£6.00 – £28.00Some of the earliest flowering bulbs. Specie crocus Ruby Giant are a simply stunning deep ruby purple crocus.
Crocus Flower Record & Joan of Arc Collection OFFER
£30.00 – £92.00100 Bulbs was £48 NOW £30 A great combination of large Dutch flowering crocus that grow well together. Flower Record purple and Joan of Arc white
Crocus Large Flowering Collection
£49.00The collection of crocus contains five varieties which will provide stunning colour in your garden and as crocus naturalise they will provide you with colour for many years.
Crocus Remembrance & Yellow Mammoth Collection OFFER
£30.00 – £94.00100 Bulbs 50 of each Was £48 now £30 Remembrance a deep violet blue and combined with the bright sunshine yellow of Mammoth Yellow creates a stunning splash of colour.
Crocus specie Blue Pearl AGM
£6.00 – £36.00Blue Pearl is a well established and popular specie crocus with flowers of a light lobelia blue with a bronze-yellow base.
Crocus specie Romance
£6.00 – £36.00The flowers of crocus romance are a pale creamy yellow with a bronze/green base and also flower earlier in January/February.
Eranthis cilicica
£7.00 – £42.00Eranthis cilicica or winter aconites have deep yellow flowers and will flower February to March.
Galanthus nivalis (Single Snowdrops) AGM
£6.00 – £59.00The flowers of Single snowdrops are quite stunning, they are pure white with a green marking on the inner petal tips.
Hyacinthoides non-scripta (English bluebells)
£5.00 – £46.00True English bluebells which are cultivated and not taken from the wild.
Ipheion Charlotte Bishop
£6.00 – £36.00Charlotte Bishop has lovely soft pinky mauve flowers with a darker stripe down the centre of each petal.
Ipheion Rolf Fiedler AGM
£6.00 – £36.00Attractive electric blue flowers make this variety great for the alpine house.
Iris Dwarf/Reticulata Blue Hill
£6.50 – £36.00Dwarf Iris Blue Hill can be grown in most aspects and soil types including of course containers
Iris Dwarf/Reticulata Harmony
£6.00 – £36.00A classic dwarf iris with royal blue falls with yellow blotches.
Ixia Spotlight
£6.50 – £39.00Creamy yellow flowers that are flushed with red make Spotlight a fantastic flower ideal for cutting.
Ixia super mixture
£6.50 – £39.00A great mixture of colours make a lovely colour combination.
Muscari armeniacum AGM
£5.00 – £30.00Muscari armeniacum are also known as grape hyacinths and this lovely lobelia blue variety is great for naturalising.
Platinum Mixture Daffodils and Narcissi
£18.00 – £70.00A truly wonderful mixture of narcissi are put into this mix to give colour right across the Spring. Hand selected mix.
Scilla bifolia
£6.00 – £36.00Scilla bifolia is often known as the ‘Alpine Squill’ and makes a great garden plant.
Scilla bifolia Rosea
£6.00 – £36.00Scilla bifolia Rosea is often known as the ‘Alpine Squill’ and makes a great garden plant.
Scilla siberica
£6.00 – £36.00Scilla siberica makes a great naturalising plant with its delicate flowers of sky blue.
Scilla siberica Alba
£6.00 – £36.00A very easy to grow bulb that are great for naturalising.
Sparaxis tricolour mixture
£5.00 – £30.00Sparaxis is often known as the Harlequin Flower and this mix has a range of colours.
Tulip Specie bakeri Lilac Wonder AGM
£6.50 – £36.00Lilac Wonder has flowers of exterior light purple and the inner petals are a lighter purple. The outer base is yellow and inside lemon yellow.
Tulip Specie batalini Bronze Charm
£6.50 – £36.00Batalini Bronze Charm has yellow flowers which are flushed bronze/yellow. Ideal for containers and rockeries
Tulip Sunshine Combination – a superb combination bulbs supplied in separate packs
£14.00 – £60.00Packed separately this is a stunning sunshine tulip combination of two excellent emperor tulips that will flower in mid spring.