Tulip Single Early Pretty Princess is a superb single early tulip and is very popular in the garden or when used in containers. Pretty Princess is 12 inches tall and ideal when used in containers. The flowers of Pretty Princess has soft pink flowers with darker shadings.
Tulips offer such a range of colours and heights that they are ideal for any garden. The dwarf varieties are of course ideal in containers whilst the tall varieties work well in borders. The later flowering varieties are also ideal for planting with wallflowers and the early flowering varieties will work well when grown with Narcissus.
Cultivation Instructions:
Single early tulips are ideal for bedding, containers and when planted in borders. Besides being an ideal tulip for borders and containers most varieties are also well suited for forcing indoors. Single early tulips are quite often featured in formal bedding schemes because they are one of the earliest tulips to flower, are relatively short and you can choose from a number of unique coloured varieties. Prefer solis that are free draining and of a ph neutral to alkaline. In heavy soils such as clay add grit or humus matter to help with drainage. In sandy soils add organic matter to help with fertility. Cultivate soils to a depth of 20cms and plant bulbs 15cms deep and 10cms apart. In containers the planting depth can be reduced to 10cms and bulbs planted 5cms apart. They work really well with annuals and bi-annuals and will flower in early April.
Care tips:
Single early tulips work really well with other tulips such as Darwin tulips or with later flowering daffodils.
Remember to lift tulips at the end of the season. Only the big bulbs should be kept to flower for the following year. Tulips are often treated as annuals as flowering performance the following year is never as good.
Lifted bulbs should be kept in a cool dark place for the summer before re-planting in the Autumn period.
Tulips do benefit from using bulb starter when first planting.
Growing Information
Flowering Height: 30-35cms (12-14″)
Flowering Period: March-April
Soil type: Fertile, well drained soils that are free draining.
Aspect: Suitable for semi shade or full sun.
Scented: N/A
Planting Depth: 15cms
Spacing: 10cms apart.
Full growing instructions provided.
New season top quality bulbs dispatched from September on-wards
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