Crocus specie Advance


Crocus Advance is a specie crocus which are a little smaller than the dutch/large flowering crocus and also flower earlier in January/February.

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Crocus Advance is a specie crocus which are smaller than the dutch/large flowering crocus and also flower earlier in January/February. These crocus are the earliest bulbs to flower and as such they welcome in the spring after those long winter days. The flowers of crocus Advance are a straw yellow with the outer petals flushed violet.

Cultivation Instructions:

Cultivate soils to a depth of 10-15cms and plant bulbs as per the growing information below. Specie crocus  naturalise really well and can be grown in most soils that are free draining. Happy planted in full sun or semi shade, borders, rockeries, under trees and shrubs and superb in containers.  Ideally grown in soils that are humus rich and free draining. In heavier soils such as clay, cultivate the top layer of soil and add grit and well rotted humus which will help to provide the drainage that they need. They naturalise really well and will spread out to cover a wide area. A lovely group of bulbs that are ideal to grow in semi to full shade, in the borders/garden or in containers. They bring early colour to the garden, flowering in January/February and of course they work well with many plants and bulbs.

Care tips:

Specie crocus will benefit from using bulb starter when planting in the first year.

Remember to feed well during the leaf and flowering stage to ensure they grow and bulk up well for subsequent years growth.

They work really well when planted with dwarf daffodils, other specie crocus and Anemone Blandas.

Growing Information:

Flowering Height: 2-4″ (5-10cm)

Flowering Period: January-March

Soil type: All free draining humus rich soils.

Aspect: Full sun or partial shade.

Scented: No significant scent.

Planting Depth: 5cms

Spacing: 5cms apart.

Full growing instructions provided.

New season bulbs will be dispatched from September onwards.


Additional information



Flowering time


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