Canna Wyoming AGM


Canna Wyoming will produce flowers that are a tangerine orange, darker edged and speckled purple-red with brown leaves.

SKU: C1945 Categories: ,


An excellent variety, Canna Wyoming will produce flowers that are a tangerine orange, darker edged and speckled purple-red with brown leaves. Cannas grow well in UK gardens and just need to be well watered and fed during the growing season. They are flamboyant and extravagant looking plants and Canna Wyoming will provide great colour during the summer.

AGM = Award of Garden merit given by the RHS

Cultivation instruction

Plant Indoors: Cannas are best started off indoors from February and only planted outside when the fear of frosts have passed which is normally late April. Plant in a containers or in deep seed trays filled with a good potting compost such as John Innes number 3. Keep the soil moist and protect young growth for snails and slugs.

Plant outside: From Late April on wards into soils that have been prepared previously. Prepare soils by cultivating them to a depth of 25cms and digging in some well rotted humus matter and grit if soils are heavy. Plant the bulbs so that they are length ways and the growing tip is 5-8cms below the soil surface. Cannas work really well when planted in pots in the conservatory or greenhouse. Remember to feed them during the flowering and leaf stage with foods such as are well rotted manures, Tomato feed and bone meal.

Care Tips:

Can be grown quite successfully in containers.

Ideal when planted with dahlias and gladioli callianthus (acidanthera) and the nanus types

Use yellow sulphur on the rhizomes to help with storage over the winter.

Growing information

Flowering height: 48-52″ (120-130cms)

Flowering period: August-October

Soil type: Soils that are well drained and humus rich are ideal.

Aspect: In a sunny part of the garden that does not get too cold.

Scented: N/A

Planting distance: 20cm between plants

Planting depth: 5-8cms

Full growing instructions also provided


Additional information



Flowering time


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