Arisaema intermedium


An unusual urn shaped green spathe that is lined with white make intermedium a great garden plant.

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Arisaema Intermedium has an unusual urn shaped spathe of green that is lined with white. Easy to grow, Arisaema Intermedium is an unusual plant but once established in a shady spot with good drainage and plenty of leaf mould, will require little attention.

Also known as Cobra Lilies, Arisaema are spectacular plants that grow from woodland floors and have unusual flowers.  Arisaema will thrive in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil that has dappled sunshine overhead. Will make a stunning architectural centre piece in any garden.

Cultivation instructions:

Indoor planting: Not suitable for growing indoors. Can be started off in pots inside and moved or planted outside once you see growth.

Planting outside: Ensure they are planted quite deep as doing this will protect the tubers and rhizomes from frost. Arisaema are happiest in soil conditions that are neutral to slightly acid. Cultivate soils to a depth of 20cms if possible and add plenty of grit and humus matter to the soil. Plant bulbs so that they are 10-15cms below the soil surface.

Can also look great if grown with martagon lilies, hostas or wood anemones.

Care tips:

Protect from severe frosts over winter by giving a good layer of mulch.

Remember to mark the position you plant them in as they can easily get lost.

Using bulb starter or root grow when first planting will help them to establish for future years flowering.

Hardy in UK gardens that do not become waterlogged.

Growing Information:

Flowering Height: 16-24″ (40-60cm)

Flowering period: May-June

Soil type: Humus rich soils that are free draining. Neutral to slightly acid preferred.

Aspect: Semi shaded woodland areas.

Scented: No significant scent.

Planting Depth: 10cms

Spacing: 10-15cms apart.

Full growing instructions provided.


Additional information



Flowering time


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