Anemone St Brigid


Anemone St Brigid are excellent for growing to use as cut flowers or just to enjoy in the garden.

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Anemone St Brigid are excellent for growing to just to enjoy in the garden and also make perfect cut flowers in small displays. Our hand blended mixture of colours is simply superb and includes white, red, blue and violet.

Anemone coronaria is a herbaceous perennial tuberous plant which grows to 20–40 cm tall, spreading to 15–23 cm. They have a basal rosette of a few leaves, the leaves with three leaflets, each leaflet deeply lobed. The flowers bloom from April to June are borne singly on a tall stem with a whorl of small leaves just below the flower

This variety was named after Alice Lawrenson who was an Irish botanical writer and gardener.  She wrote a column as well as other articles for various gardening periodicals including Gardener’s Chronicle under the pseudonym of St Brigid.

Cultivation Instructions

Anemone St Brigid are ideal to be grown in the borders or in containers. Soak the corms overnight until the outer skin is soft to the touch and then plant them out.

Cultivate the soil to a depth of 10cms and plant the corms 4-5cms deep, keep well watered during dry periods in their first year. Plant with bulb starter to help develop the root system.

Growing Information

Flowering height: 10-14″ (25-30cms)

Flowering period: May-June

Aspect: Semi shade to full sun.

Soil type: All free draining humus rich soils.

See Tim’s Tips/anemones on you tube for in depth planting instructions


Additional information



Flowering time


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