Amorphophallus bulbifer


Amorphophallus bulbifer has a largish pink spathe and is ideal for the summer border.

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Amorphophallus bulbifer is ideal for growing in the cottage garden or shadier parts of the garden as well as being very well suited for growing in containers. This is a tuberous rooted plant and Amorphophallus bulbifer will produce huge leaves. Often known as Snake’s Palm or Devil’s Tongue they are not usually offered but are superb. The spathe is large and pink and it does have a slight pungent smell for the first few days after opening.

Cultivation instruction

Plant Indoors: Best results are obtained from growing outside.

Plant outside: From Late February on wards, when the soils are starting to warm up and they are not waterlogged. Prepare the planting spot by digging in some well rotted humus matter and even add some grit if soils are heavy. Plant the bulbs in a well cultivated free draining soil with the bulb 10cms below the soil surface. Amorphophallus bulbifer is quite different to have in any garden and as such it is ideal for the summer border as the leaves make quite a focal point. This is not a hardy bulb so will need protecting over the winter months. This can be achieved with a thick layer of mulch. Feed regularly during the growing season with foods such as are well rotted manures, Tomato feed and bone meal will provide food for continued flowering.

Care Tips:

Do not over water or over feed as the roots are quite tender.

Ideal in woodland areas and plant with martagon lilies.

Growing information

Flowering height: 18″ (45cm)

Flowering period: April-May

Aspect: Prefers the shady areas of the garden.

Soil types: humus rich soil with good drainage.

Scented: Pungent for first couple of days.

Planting distance: 10-15cm between plants

Planting depth: 10cms

Full growing instructions also provided


Additional information


Flowering time


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