Agapanthus Columba


Columba is a superb agapanthus producing up to 30 flowers on a tall stem.

SKU: A0620 Categories: ,


Columba is a new Agapanthus producing up to 30 flowers on a tall stem. This is an easy to grow Agapanthus with long, narrow, glossy green leaves. Stout stems bare open clusters of blue blossoms in summer. Columba prefers full sun and moist but well drained soil. It may take a year before the Agapanthus establish enough to produce flowers. Excellent for containers.

Cultivation instruction

Plant Indoors: Can be started off indoors but Agapanthus are a very hardy group so can be planted direct into soils outside.

Plant outside: From Late February on wards, when the soils are starting to warm up and are not waterlogged. Prepare soils by digging in some well rotted humus matter and some grit if soils are heavy. Spread out the roots below the soil surface and plant the rhizomes so that the tip of the stem shows above the soil surface.

Protect early growth from slugs and snails and remove dead heads during the flowering season to get the best from them.  Regularly feed during the growing season with foods such as are well rotted manures, Tomato feed and bone meal will provide food for continued flowering.

Can be planted in containers, use a good quality potting compost with drainage in the bottom of the pots.

Care Tips:

It may take a year before the Agapanthus establish enough to produce flowers.

Plant as soon as possible after delivery and fan out the roots so that just the tip of the stem is showing above the soil.

Our tip: Can be used for Cut Flower and companion planting with lilies.

Growing information

Flowering height: 30-36″ (75-90cms)

Flowering period: July-August

Soil type: Soils that are well drained and humus rich are ideal.

Aspect: In a sunny part of the garden that does not get too cold.

Scented: N/A

Planting distance: 15-20cm between plants

Planting depth: Tip of stem just showing above soil level.

Full growing instructions also provided


Additional information



Flowering time


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